
In this resource, you’ll find descriptions of many common problems and how to avoid them. However, it is not an exhaustive review of foot problems – you may find that you’re looking for advice on a condition that we haven’t included here.

If so, you may find what you’re looking for by following our useful links. Alternatively, please call us – you’ll find our experts are friendly and helpful, and will give you the best advice available on all aspects of footcare.

In the meantime, here is a quick summary of general footcare advice – by following it, you will minimise the risk of major foot problems over time.

  • Inspect your feet regularly. Pay attention to changes in colour and look for thick or discoloured nails (a sign of developing fungus), or cracks/cuts in the skin. Peeling or scaling on the soles of feet may indicate Athlete's Foot. Any growth on the foot is not considered normal.
  • Wash, and thoroughly dry, your feet regularly, especially between the toes.
  • Make sure that shoes fit properly
  • Purchase new shoes later in the day when feet tend to be at their largest, and replace worn out shoes as soon as possible.
  • Wear the right shoe for each sport or activity that you’re engaged in (e.g., running shoes for running).
  • Alternate shoes—don't wear the same pair of shoes every day.
  • Trim toenails straight across, but not too short. Be careful not to cut nails in corners or on the sides (this can lead to ingrown toenails).
  • If you have diabetes, poor circulation, or heart problems, don’t treat your own feet, as you are more prone to infection.
  • Avoid walking barefooted, especially in public spaces such as changing rooms.
  • Be careful when using home remedies for foot problems. Self-treatment may turn a minor problem into a major one.
  • Finally, DON'T IGNORE FOOT PAIN. It’s not normal. If you experience any type of persistent pain in the foot or ankle, please seek professional advice.